Sky and Storm (Warriors of Vis, Book One) Read online

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  They were both seated at the king’s table, Storm’s father making sure he was on the far-right side of the table, easy to reach by all the guests. It didn’t matter, Sky was there with him. He turned to smile at Sky, but froze at the anger in his husband’s eyes.

  “Did I really need to have a front row seat at this sorry parade of future mothers for your babies?” Sky asked through gritted teeth.

  Storm blinked, trying to understand Sky’s anger. Apparently, he had been told what the evening was about. Still, it wasn’t Storm’s fault, and it wasn’t as if Sky cared. Storm took Sky’s hand in his, raised it to his lips and kissed it.

  “Like it or not, you’re my husband. It’s either both of us or neither of us. No matter what.”

  Sky chuckled and shook his head. “You’ve been away for most of our marriage, my lord. What you are saying is nonsense.”

  “Storm, gods be damned! That’s my name. Or have you forgotten?”

  A half smile twisted Sky’s lips, no warmth showing in his eyes. “I would never in a million years be able to forget your name.”


  The Nightmare

  SKY WAS PERFECTLY HAPPY with the prospect of being away from Storm for the evening. The queen had come to see him shortly after breakfast, telling him just what was going to happen during this damned feast. Women from all over their land and a princess of Estas were going to try and enchant his husband into taking them as an official concubine. It was standard practice among royal and noble families whose sons preferred to marry men. In the end, the bloodline had to be preserved. Especially one as old as Vis’s royal family. If Sky had to endure a concubine, he certainly didn’t need to be right next to his husband as Storm picked her.

  Sky had cried the hurt out of his system and then had gone numb while Sera was getting him ready for the party. He had once again refused to have anything to eat at lunch time, much to Sera’s exasperation. As he was waiting for the evening festivities to begin, Sky had caught himself thinking of Thunder. Sky had never met the woman, she had been nothing more than a painting hanging in Storm’s room, but her kind, loving eyes had always stayed with him. Sky had always thought Storm’s were just like hers as they were growing up. Not anymore. No more tenderness, no more kindness, none of his mother was left in Storm. As Sky looked over the bed to the empty wall, he wondered where the portrait had been sent off to. As a child, Storm would have never considered parting with her portrait. How things had changed…

  Storm’s insistence to have Sky join him at the sovereigns’ table turned Sky’s numbness into smoldering rage. How cruel of Storm to force him so close to the display of women vying for the Dragon’s attention!

  For a second he wondered if Storm was going to consult him. “Husband mine, what do you think, which of these prized breeders should I choose to prolong my murderous line? He has to be strong and handsome, my future son.” The right corner of Sky’s mouth turned up in a half-amused, half-dejected smile. Blinking away the tears threatening to come out, he pulled his wine glass closer and started sipping. Sky wasn’t much of a drinker, but he decided drunk was much better than sober when some greedy woman was trying to claw her way into their marriage.

  With normal marriages, a concubine was never anything more. Just a woman who agreed to have a child with one or both of the men forming the couple. She’d get money, favors, she’d be set for life. But the idea of someone permanently adorning his husband’s bed made his blood boil.

  After the first course, women started stopping by and batting their eyelashes at Storm. Despite his anger toward Storm and Vis’s customs, Sky couldn’t blame the women offering themselves. They had pushy families behind them and a god-like prince before them. Storm was exquisite in every way, despite his cruelty and generally unpleasant demeanor. Storm sat there, stiff and uncaring, hardly bothering to engage the women parading in front of him. Sky had seen this behavior before, even towards those rumored to be Storm’s lovers. The Dragon’s apparent lack of interest didn’t say much about his willingness to bed someone. Sky wondered if he should envy or pity the woman who would end up having Storm.

  Blinding jealousy won in the end, as no matter how poorly a concubine would be treated, she’d share Storm’s bed as more than a convenient body pillow. It would be more than Sky would ever get.

  It wasn’t good at all, sitting there and watching women curtsy and glide away. No one paid Sky any attention, their eyes on Storm and the many exquisite ladies trying to catch the Dragon’s eye. If he were to leave, Storm would stop him, so Sky was trapped, his mind a jumbled mess of alcohol, longing, guilt, anger, and that nagging jealousy he couldn’t get under control.

  Sky pictured Storm arm in arm with each of those beautiful women. It was torture, but he couldn’t stop. Would they run their fingers over Storm’s beautiful body? The thought of Storm naked caused lust to slam into Sky, leaving him breathless. His cock stirred at the thought of Storm pressed against him. How many times had Sky woken up in the middle of the night, shivering with need, his dick dripping, his body so strained it hurt? He could have gotten out of bed, snuck into the bathing room and dealt with it, but that would have meant less time engulfed in Storm’s heady scent, dizzy with the strength of his arms, shivering at the touch of his groin on Sky’s lower back. He’d breathe through it, waiting for his body to calm down enough to drift off again.

  As the next noble girl came, shoving her overflowing bosom in Storm’s face, Sky called for the servant holding the bottle of wine and had him fill up his glass again. A few more women and then another course was served, giving him a recess from the parade. Storm turned to Sky, asking if the soup was not to his liking. He nodded and ate a spoonful to keep Storm off his back.

  By dessert, Sky had already drunk a dozen glasses of wine. He could barely sit in his chair. Apart from impairing his body’s ability to function properly, the alcohol had achieved little else. Anger and hurt still raced through him, each new woman adding to his discomfort. He wished Storm would decide already and end his misery. Knowing who it was would be far better than this endless parade of bodies, tight, revealing dresses, and girly giggles. Storm, however, had barely done more than grunt or nod or say a curt hello to any of them. Sky wondered if he found it harder to choose a concubine than someone to bed and later discard.

  After dessert, a strange song started, drawing oohs and ahs from the gathering. It was from Estas, Sky could tell because Sera would often sing it while brushing his hair.

  Sky clenched the edge of the table, feeling something ominous rushing towards him. And there she was, the princess with her ebony skin and bright green eyes. Curves cut into her body, enticing those who looked upon her. She glided to the center of the dining room and started dancing, sinuous moves that, while beautiful, reminded Sky of a snake about to mesmerize its prey. She smiled and the contrast between her dark skin and perfect, white teeth blinded him. She was by far the most beautiful woman Sky had ever seen.

  Sky chanced a look at Storm. The Dragon’s frown had deepened, but there was something burning in his eyes. Maybe lust? He had very good reasons to want her. Sky turned to his half full glass and made quick work of drinking it all.

  The mesmerizing dance seemed to go on forever. No one dared speak, no one dared look elsewhere, their eyes glued to the luscious body entertaining them. If Sky had to choose for his husband, he’d pick that princess with chocolate skin. Maybe she’d be better at keeping Storm, and the Dragon would no longer want to fuck anything that moved.

  Wine was starting to taste better and better. Why exactly had he dreaded alcohol before? It was positively delightful. Made you all giddy and… uncaring. Sky couldn’t care less that his husband didn’t want him, that some woman with nothing but want for royal power would get Storm, that even the feeblest hope he’d harbored would be torn apart from his heart.

  He felt like laughing and singing and dancing. Maybe he should join the princess. He had decided to do just that when the music stopped an
d the room started applauding and screaming their approval and delight. Storm had crossed his arms over his chest, eyeing the now approaching woman. Sky could see her head held high, her smug grin, the confident yet graceful glide toward the man he desperately loved. She was practically sharpening her claws to sink them deep into Storm and… Oh, fuck it! Another drink would definitely make him feel better.

  “My prince,” she said and bowed deeply. Her voice was smooth, her laughter like a sweet caress, not the screechy giggles he’d heard all evening. If was all so unfair! Why did she have to be SO perfect?

  “Princess Mehra, a pleasure to see you again,” Storm muttered, standing up.

  “It’s been far too long.” She placed both hands on his shoulders and leaned into him. Sky cringed at the touch and polished his freshly poured wine. Storm’s extended hand almost scared him. His husband waited patiently till he finally realized he was expected to take it. When he did, Storm pulled him up and placed a protective arm around his shoulders, giving him a little squeeze.

  “Princess, this is Sky Moonborn, my husband,” Storm said smiling.

  Sky mumbled something about it being a delight to meet her. She huffed and arched an eyebrow. He felt Storm’s hold tightening.

  “Are you by any chance attempting to insult my husband, Princess Mehra? That was not a very polite reply to his greeting.”

  Sky blinked, surprise making him go very still and very quiet.

  “Storm,” the queen hissed. “That’s enough.”

  “Why, mother? If Mehra’s parents were to visit and they’d huff and pout like spoiled brats when my father introduced you, do you think the king of Vis would have no complaints?”

  Sky turned in time to see the queen getting ready to counter attack, but the king quickly placed a hand on hers, shaking his head. Storm was right, unfuckable as he was, Sky was his spouse.

  Mehra bowed her head deeply. “I apologize, my lords, it was but a momentary lapse of judgment on my part.” She raised her head and smiled sweetly.

  Sky rolled his eyes. Like it mattered! He shouldn’t let such petty gestures affect him so much. Storm was still going to select a concubine by the end of the evening.

  “Why don’t you dance with the princess to appease all discord?” the queen suggested, squinting her eyes at Sky. He tilted his head and nodded, as if to show her he agreed, then sank into his chair, smiling at the newly refilled glass. Storm grunted, but took the princess’s extended hand and led her to the middle of the room. They danced to one song, she tried to keep him for another one, but he refused quite abruptly.

  Sky almost laughed at Storm’s surprised look when he finally realized the dance had been a distraction to add another place at the table. Expertly so, the queen wanted Mehra seated between the two husbands judging by how everything had been moved around. A low warning growl erupted from Storms gut, and Sky shivered, his cock stirring again, despite the immense quantity of wine he’d kept having.

  Storm grabbed a servant by the back of his shirt and had him shift everything closer to its original design and sat stiffly next to his husband. He glared at his stepmother and pushed his chair closer to Sky’s.

  The evening progressed at an ever-tormenting pace, the princess all over Storm, trying to engage him in any and all topics of conversation, Storm stubbornly sticking with one or two-word answers, his eyebrows furrowed, his gaze lost somewhere in the distance. Sky continued to drink, hating the charade of it all. He watched as couples danced, came to greet their rulers, walked off, snickering about him and how his marriage will soon turn into a trio. Sky shrugged it off, he was used to the hurt it caused.

  Storm apparently wasn’t. He turned to Sky and said, his voice booming over the music, “Husband mine, I think I am in the mood for a new rule. Do you think I should kill anyone who dares make snide comments about you?”

  Sky spit his wine over his husband and started laughing uncontrollably. He laughed and laughed as Storm wiped the wine, looking angrier and angrier. Sky’s sides hurt, his eyes were filled with tears, but he just couldn’t stop. When he finally managed to get a grip, he looked into Storm’s eyes. “You’d have to kill everyone in the castle, husband mine. And that would only be the start.” His humor was suddenly gone and an overwhelming sorrow replaced it.

  Sky tried to stand and walk away, but the wine prevented that from happening. Panic took over. He couldn’t, he couldn’t fall apart in front of these people. His eyes fell on the princess. She was laughing at his antics, shaking her head and saying something about how royal consorts needed to behave appropriately.

  Storm pushed his chair away, turned his back to her and said good night to his parents. He pulled Sky into his arms. “Say good night, Sky,” he whispered, with such tenderness that Sky shuddered in his arms. It had been so long, so long since he’d seen that warm look in Storm’s eyes. Seven years? More?

  They walked groggily out of the great ball room, Sky leaning almost completely on Storm, unable to walk a straight line. Once they were out of everyone’s sight, the Dragon picked Sky up, carrying him as if he was a lost, weak princess. Sky couldn’t be bothered to care. He rested his head on his husband’s shoulder and took in his scent.

  “Fuck, you smell good,” Sky mumbled, his lips tingling as he brushed them on the smooth skin of Storm’s neck.

  “What’s that, Sky?” his husband asked, his voice dripping with amusement.

  “Never mind. It was nothing.”

  “Oh, no, do tell me! I want to hear all about how good I smell.” Storm was shaking with laughter as someone opened the door to their chambers for them.

  “Stop laughing at me,” Sky whined, slapping his chest.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Sky felt as if he was floating, yet he could clearly sense the move of Storm’s muscles under his clothes. Sky laughed as he was thrown on the bed and then some more as Storm took his clothes off and tucked him in.

  “Where are you going?” Sky whimpered when he saw Storm walking out of the room.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Sky nodded into the pillow, holding his breath as he waited. The familiar heat of Storm’s body finally wrapped around him and Sky sighed, relaxing. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He had expected the room to spin, to feel dizzy, to feel like throwing up, but he was fine.

  “Shh, go back to sleep,” Storm whispered in his ear


  “You’ve barely slept, stop fidgeting and go back to sleep.”

  Sky opened his eyes to the dark room, a little glitter from the stars and moon painting shadows around him. He felt hot, burning, restless. “Storm, I…” He writhed against his husband’s body, hissing when he felt Storm’s erection sliding over his ass. “Storm,” he whispered again, pushing into him.

  “Sky, what are you doing? Stop!” Storm’s voice betrayed him. It was husky and deep and he was grinding against Sky.

  “Please, just this once? I want to know how it feels.”

  “How what feels?” Storm’s voice had turned harsh. He stopped moving, but Sky was too far gone, he was panting and moaning, and pressing into any kind of touch he could steal.

  “To be with you, to be yours. Just this once. Please, Storm, don’t say no.”


  The Glimpse

  STORM WAS CONVINCED he was either dreaming, or Sky was too drunk. Either way, nothing was real. It couldn't be. Yet here his husband was, begging to be taken, rolling his hips and pushing his ass into Storm’s cock. Maybe Sky just needed release. Maybe Storm should just get out of their bed and go sleep somewhere else.

  As Storm pushed up on his arm, trying to break free from the covers, a small sob stopped him.

  "Please, Storm. I beg you, don't reject me. Not tonight."

  Sky sounded pained, needy. It was all too much and Storm found himself giving in, trailing his fingers up Sky's thigh and grazing the soft skin on the side of his neck with his teeth. Storm licked up to his ear, nipping the shell and f
licking the lobe. Sky moaned and arched his back, panting and shivering.

  Storm's hand closed around the base of Sky’s cock and felt him jerk at the sensation.

  "So good," Sky whispered, hissing when Storm’s thumb spread the abounding fluid over Sky’s cockhead, his nail pushing into the slit. Storm started stroking him with long, slow moves. He chuckled at his husband’s whimpers and curses. Storm stilled briefly, wondering if Sky also reacted so delectably to other lovers' touches or if it was something he’d saved just for Storm. He growled possessively, tightening his grip.

  "No, Storm, wait!"

  "Don't want to." He bit Sky’s shoulder.

  "Please, you'll make me come! I don't want it to be over."

  Storm chuckled and kissed his cheek. "Sky, this won't end until sunrise." He nipped Sky’s jawline, moving his hand faster up and down his shaft. Sky was panting and trying to resist him but soon started thrusting wildly into Storm’s fist. He cursed and screamed Storm's name as he started spilling his seed over Storm’s hand. Storm kept stroking his husband through his release, groaning at the feel of his twitches. He released Sky’s cock and licked his hand clean.

  "You taste so fucking good, Sky." Storm once again pushed himself off the bed, wanting to straddle Sky's legs but thin fingers dug into his arm.

  "No, you said you wouldn't stop!"

  "I'm not. On your back."

  Sky complied and Storm got on top of him, sliding down his body. His tongue darted out, licking the come-soaked cock in front of him. He groaned at the taste of semen and Sky's flesh, craving every drop. Sky moaned loudly, arching off the bed, his cock quickly filling again.

  "Good gods, Storm. What are you doing to me?"

  Storm arched a brow, puzzled by Sky’s question. It was more than self-explanatory at this point. "I am sucking your cock, what does it look like I’m doing?"

  Storm grabbed the base of Sky’s shaft and started licking the engorged head, lapping up the beads of precome already pooling for him. Storm’s own cock was pushing painfully against the mattress. He swallowed Sky whole, sucking him down his throat until Sky’s soft pubic hair tickled his lips and nose.